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Anna Lindh Foundation


The Anna Lindh Foundation is an organisation shared and resourced by over forty Euro-Mediterranean countries, to bring people together as a way to promote dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity.

To fulfill this objective, the Foundation leads regional initiatives in the Euromed space and support local activities carried out by organizations based across civil society which advocate for a better understanding among people, religions and beliefs, and champion human rights and democracy.

The Foundation is a central Actor of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and a facilitator of the participation of civil society in the 'Union for the Mediterranean'. It works also as a Centre for Information and Dissemination of this initiative, and as an Observatory of intercultural dialogue in the region.

The Foundation coordinates a Euro-Mediterranean Network gathering hundreds of social and institutional bodies which share the values of the Foundation and work to make dialogue, peace and prosperity possible in the region.

Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation joined Anna Lindh national network in 2009.

Anna Lindh Foundation website

Archive of G.A.A.E.C.

The old site of G.A.A.E.C. will remain online with the whole archive of our activities. You may visit it at www.archive.gaaec.org


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