Networks (10)
The Fund for American Studies was founded in 1967 to instill in college students an appreciation for the traditional principles that underlie the American political and economic system. In partnership with Georgetown University, The Fund for American Studies sponsors twelve Institutes that educate more than 700 students each year. More than 7,500 students from more than 80 countries have attended Fund programs. The Fund sponsors five Institutes in Washington, DC: The Engalitcheff Institute on Comparative Political and Economic Systems, The Institute on Political Journalism, The Bryce Harlow Institute on Business and Government Affairs, The Institute on Philanthropy and Voluntary Service, and the Capital Semester Program.
In 1993, the Fund created its first international program at Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic. The American Institute on Political and Economic Systems hosts students from countries of Eastern and Central Europe and studies the political and economic transition process of the post-Communist era. TFAS was among the first organizations of its kind to recognize the need to engage students from the Eastern Mediterranean in an intellectual discussion of the ideas of democracy and market economies. A partnership was formed with the Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, led by Theodossis Georgiou and Aliki Mitsakos-Georgiou. Together they created the International Institute for Political and Economic Studies (IIPES) by drawing from the democratic traditions of ancient Athens and spirit of peaceful interaction characteristic of the ancient Olympics. Now held on the island of Crete, the program includes a workshop on conflict management and discussions on how democratic and market institutions foster peaceful cooperation and prosperity.
Other TFAS international programs include the Asia Institute for Political Economy, the European Journalism Institute and Institute for Leadership in Americas.
For more information please visit: www.tfas.org or www.tfasinternational.org
ACYPL (American Council of Young Political Leaders), founded in 1966, is an organization that conducts bipartisan international exchanges, enabling emerging leaders (aged 25 to 40) to experience firsthand the political and cultural dynamics of other countries.
The exchanges are intensive two-week study programs conducted in conjunction with ACYPL's counterpart organizations in every region of the world including: Asia & the Pacific Rim, Central & Eastern Europe, Central & South America, Indian Subcontinent, Middle East & North Africa, Russia, Sub-Saharan Africa.
During the program, delegates engage in candid dialogue with senior government and political officials, industry executives, and community leaders on a wide range of political, cultural, and economic issues. For many rising leaders, an ACYPL exchange program provides their first substantive experience abroad and early exposure to international affairs.
Since the founding of ACYPL, more than 6,000 promising young leaders from around the world have participated in ACYPL exchanges.
More about ACYPL...
The Eastern Institute (full name: Foundation Institute for Eastern Studies) has since its inception in 1992 been active in the field of co-operation among European countries, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. Various projects conducted at different levels have been adding to creation and development of political, economic, cultural and scientific ties among states in the region.
The most important project of the Eastern Institute is the Economic Forum in Krynica. Over the period of more than ten years, the Forum has become an important and recognized event in this part of Europe. In its efforts related to the Forum, the Eastern Institute is supported by the Programme Council. The Council sets the content and programme of the Forum, and gives direction to its further development.
Other statutory projects:
- organising international seminars, workshops and study visits;
- publishing economic analyses and reports;
- organising internships for Russian, Ukrainian and Belarussian students in top Polish companies.
More about the institute...
The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) is an independent, non-governmental organization providing professional support to electoral democracy. Through field work, applied research and advocacy, IFES strives to promote citizen participation, transparency, and accountability in political life and civil society.
Every IFES project is staffed by local personnel and partnered with local organizations. With this homegrown approach, IFES ensures the expertise it offers fits the needs of the country or client and the benefit of assistance outlasts the life of the project. IFES work is nonpartisan and also includes projects that:
- Help citizens participate in their democracies;
- Increase politicians' accountability to the electorate;
- Strengthen government institutions.
Since its founding in 1987, IFES has worked in more than 100 countries - from developing democracies such as Liberia, to mature democracies such as the United States.
The Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation is the affiliate member of IFES providing effective support in the Balkans, Mediterranean, and Middle East region.
Women In International Security (WIIS) is the premier global membership organization dedicated to advancing the influence of women in international peace and security fields. With a growing base of 1,500 members, WIIS is committed to building a worldwide network of women and men who understand the importance of inclusive and diverse participation in peace and security, and support women's engagement in this field.
WIIS – Hellas is the national Affiliate of this network, working within the Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation to promote women in the field, as well as promoting awareness and engagement on issues of security of its contemporary definitions for a secure society.
For over 20 years, WIIS has offered a comprehensive set of programs designed to foster and promote women in all fields related to foreign and defense affairs, international security, peace operations and conflict resolution, humanitarian aid, and more. Our program aims include the following:
- Identify women entering the international peace and security field, and support their intellectual and professional growth
- Support women who are experienced professionals by addressing the challenges they face at all stages of their career development, and by raising their visibility and achievements
- Provide a forum for expert knowledge sharing and professional networking
- Provide opportunities for members to present research and policy perspectives to enrich the peace and security dialogue
Based in Washington, DC, WIIS works with its U.S. Chapter and International Affiliates to reach new constituencies and audiences.
WIIS actively collaborates and partners with organizations and groups around the world with similar goals. Through these relationships, WIIS is able to address a wide range of policy issues, as well as to find practical mechanisms to support the recruitment and advancement of emerging and established leaders.
Established in 1987 by a small group of women experts in foreign and defense affairs, today WIIS has 1,500 members—women and men—in 47 countries from academia, think tanks, the diplomatic corps, the intelligence community, the military, government, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, the media, and the private sector.
WIIS is a part of the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. The School of Foreign Service is the oldest and largest school of international affairs in the United States. CPASS, which encompasses WIIS and the internationally renowned Security Studies Program, is Georgetown's organizational home for teaching, research, events, and publications in international peace and security studies.
The Anna Lindh Foundation is an organisation shared and resourced by over forty Euro-Mediterranean countries, to bring people together as a way to promote dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity.
To fulfill this objective, the Foundation leads regional initiatives in the Euromed space and support local activities carried out by organizations based across civil society which advocate for a better understanding among people, religions and beliefs, and champion human rights and democracy.
The Foundation is a central Actor of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and a facilitator of the participation of civil society in the 'Union for the Mediterranean'. It works also as a Centre for Information and Dissemination of this initiative, and as an Observatory of intercultural dialogue in the region.
The Foundation coordinates a Euro-Mediterranean Network gathering hundreds of social and institutional bodies which share the values of the Foundation and work to make dialogue, peace and prosperity possible in the region.
Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation joined Anna Lindh national network in 2009.
EuroDefense network was created in 2001 bringing together national EuroDefense associations from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Hungary and Romania.
The main objective of Eurodefense is to deepen thinking on the concept of a European Security and Defense System and to create opportunities in this field for European meetings in order to analyze the vulnerabilities, threats and risks that Europe is now facing, as well as those that it will face in the future. Eurodefense network is aiming to foster the awareness of common interests and to develop a greater sense of European defense, which is already being set up and developed through an established methodology, enabling the national associations to work together in an efficient manner.
EuroDefense Presidency is rotated in turn, from the 1st January to the 31st of December, each year, by the President of the national association organizing the annual international EuroDefense meeting. Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation as Eurodefense – Greece held the Presidency of EuroDefense in 2006 and organized 12th International EuroDefense meeting in Athens in November 2006.
The Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) is an organization which acts as a network facilitator in the Euro-Atlantic and beyond. The ATA draws together political leaders, academics, and diplomats in an effort to further the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty: Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Peace, Security, and the Rule of law.
For fifty-four years the ATA has served as the leading transatlantic non-governmental organization promoting public support for the institutions that bring together people of the North Atlantic Alliance. It is the umbrella organization for the 42 Atlantic councils, which work in each of NATO's member states and most of the Partnership for Peace countries.
The ATA is fully dedicated to engaging the youth of the Euro-Atlantic through close cooperation with its youth division, the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA). YATA seeks to educate and promote debate amongst the successor generations in an effort to create responsible future political leaders who have an understanding of the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty.
The ATA aims to:
- Promote the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty.
- Educate and inform the public regarding NATO's missions and responsibilities.
- Promote democracy.
- Promote the solidarity of the populations of the North Atlantic area, and of those whose governments have signed NATO PfP or Mediterranean Dialogue Agreements, and/or those who are directly concerned with the affairs of Euro-Atlantic security.
- Support the development of civil society in the Black Sea area and the Caucasus.
- Conduct research into the role of NATO, and its expansion to the countries of Central Europe and the former Soviet Union.
- Pursue a dialogue with countries bordering the Mediterranean and in the Middle East which work in cooperation with the Alliance.
- Deepen cooperation between the ATA, its Member Associations, the governments of its Member Associations, NATO, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and the EU.
- Foster debate and dialogue in an effort to create a solid understanding of key Alliance issues.
- Engage civil society groups which support peace, security, and broad democratic practices.
- Facilitate the development of strong relationships among its Members in an effort to realize common interest, and achieve common goals.
ATA Members: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United States of America, United Kingdom.
Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation joined ATA Network in 1991. G.A.A.E.C. Youth is also part of YATA network.
Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation is a sole representative of Greece to:
- ATA (Atlantic Treaty Association)
- EuroDefense Network
- WIIS (Women In International Security)
In April 2009 we also joined Anna Lindh network.
TFAS (The Fund of American Studies) is our partner for educational programs. G.A.A.E.C. also cooperates with AWEPA (European Parliamentarians for Africa), ACYPL (American Council of Young Political Leaders), The Eastern Institute, IFES (International Foundation for Electoral Systems).
In May 2009 G.A.A.E.C. also forged partnership with Romanian NGO "Books for Peace", led by Antonia Colibasanu, IIPES 2003 and EMJI 2007 alumna.