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American Council of Young Political Leaders


ACYPL (American Council of Young Political Leaders), founded in 1966, is an organization that conducts bipartisan international exchanges, enabling emerging leaders (aged 25 to 40) to experience firsthand the political and cultural dynamics of other countries.

The exchanges are intensive two-week study programs conducted in conjunction with ACYPL's counterpart organizations in every region of the world including: Asia & the Pacific Rim, Central & Eastern Europe, Central & South America, Indian Subcontinent, Middle East & North Africa, Russia, Sub-Saharan Africa.

During the program, delegates engage in candid dialogue with senior government and political officials, industry executives, and community leaders on a wide range of political, cultural, and economic issues. For many rising leaders, an ACYPL exchange program provides their first substantive experience abroad and early exposure to international affairs.

Since the founding of ACYPL, more than 6,000 promising young leaders from around the world have participated in ACYPL exchanges.

More about ACYPL...

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