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03 Oct 03 October 2014

Informing Global Leaders & Students about TICLS

studSince 1995 the Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation has been successfully organizing educational programs for the Young Generation with the aim of "Interaction Through Education".

"The International Academy for Advanced Studies" continues this legacy of spreading this message, raising the attention of globally minded Leaders, recruiting students and educators, informing sponsors.


bizosSix weeks ago, Mr. Theodossis Georgiou, President of the Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation, visited the South of the world, travelled to Johannesburg, where he met two world Leaders, who dedicated their lives to RECONCILIATION, UNDERSTANDING and PEACE:

- Mrs. GRACA MACHEL, the chair in the African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (ACCORD), widow of Nelson Mandela.
Her worlds are a true source of inspiration: "Preventing the conflict tomorrow means changing the min-set of youth today..."

- Dr. GEORGE BIZOS, world-know advocate and advisor of Nelson Mandela, founder of the SAHETI School in Johannesburg, also motives us incredibly by saying: "If you want to please me, build a school..."

studentsWith George Bizos, the founder of the SAHETI School, one of the most important schools not only in South Africa but in the whole Africa, with students of about 35 nationalities. We have visited together classrooms and discussed with students about the possibility to be this summer in the program of "Leaders For Our Future", in July 2015 in Crete, Greece.
Please visit to find out how you can contribute to our vision by engaging in education of the Youth today.

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