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The Association of European Parliamentarians for Africa
Women In International Security
Women In International Security (WIIS) is the premier global membership organization dedicated to advancing the influence of women in international peace and security fields. With a growing base of 1,500 members, WIIS is committed to building a worldwide network of women and men who understand the importance of inclusive and diverse participation in peace and security, and support women's engagement in this field.
WIIS – Hellas is the national Affiliate of this network, working within the Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation to promote women in the field, as well as promoting awareness and engagement on issues of security of its contemporary definitions for a secure society.
For over 20 years, WIIS has offered a comprehensive set of programs designed to foster and promote women in all fields related to foreign and defense affairs, international security, peace operations and conflict resolution, humanitarian aid, and more. Our program aims include the following:
- Identify women entering the international peace and security field, and support their intellectual and professional growth
- Support women who are experienced professionals by addressing the challenges they face at all stages of their career development, and by raising their visibility and achievements
- Provide a forum for expert knowledge sharing and professional networking
- Provide opportunities for members to present research and policy perspectives to enrich the peace and security dialogue
Based in Washington, DC, WIIS works with its U.S. Chapter and International Affiliates to reach new constituencies and audiences.
WIIS actively collaborates and partners with organizations and groups around the world with similar goals. Through these relationships, WIIS is able to address a wide range of policy issues, as well as to find practical mechanisms to support the recruitment and advancement of emerging and established leaders.
Established in 1987 by a small group of women experts in foreign and defense affairs, today WIIS has 1,500 members—women and men—in 47 countries from academia, think tanks, the diplomatic corps, the intelligence community, the military, government, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, the media, and the private sector.
WIIS is a part of the Center for Peace and Security Studies (CPASS), in the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. The School of Foreign Service is the oldest and largest school of international affairs in the United States. CPASS, which encompasses WIIS and the internationally renowned Security Studies Program, is Georgetown's organizational home for teaching, research, events, and publications in international peace and security studies.
Anna Lindh Foundation
The Anna Lindh Foundation is an organisation shared and resourced by over forty Euro-Mediterranean countries, to bring people together as a way to promote dialogue between cultures and respect for diversity.
To fulfill this objective, the Foundation leads regional initiatives in the Euromed space and support local activities carried out by organizations based across civil society which advocate for a better understanding among people, religions and beliefs, and champion human rights and democracy.
The Foundation is a central Actor of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, and a facilitator of the participation of civil society in the 'Union for the Mediterranean'. It works also as a Centre for Information and Dissemination of this initiative, and as an Observatory of intercultural dialogue in the region.
The Foundation coordinates a Euro-Mediterranean Network gathering hundreds of social and institutional bodies which share the values of the Foundation and work to make dialogue, peace and prosperity possible in the region.
Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation joined Anna Lindh national network in 2009.
EuroDefense Network
EuroDefense network was created in 2001 bringing together national EuroDefense associations from France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, Netherlands, UK, Portugal, Austria, Luxembourg, Greece, Hungary and Romania.
The main objective of Eurodefense is to deepen thinking on the concept of a European Security and Defense System and to create opportunities in this field for European meetings in order to analyze the vulnerabilities, threats and risks that Europe is now facing, as well as those that it will face in the future. Eurodefense network is aiming to foster the awareness of common interests and to develop a greater sense of European defense, which is already being set up and developed through an established methodology, enabling the national associations to work together in an efficient manner.
EuroDefense Presidency is rotated in turn, from the 1st January to the 31st of December, each year, by the President of the national association organizing the annual international EuroDefense meeting. Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation as Eurodefense – Greece held the Presidency of EuroDefense in 2006 and organized 12th International EuroDefense meeting in Athens in November 2006.
The Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA)
The Atlantic Treaty Association (ATA) is an organization which acts as a network facilitator in the Euro-Atlantic and beyond. The ATA draws together political leaders, academics, and diplomats in an effort to further the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty: Democracy, Freedom, Liberty, Peace, Security, and the Rule of law.
For fifty-four years the ATA has served as the leading transatlantic non-governmental organization promoting public support for the institutions that bring together people of the North Atlantic Alliance. It is the umbrella organization for the 42 Atlantic councils, which work in each of NATO's member states and most of the Partnership for Peace countries.
The ATA is fully dedicated to engaging the youth of the Euro-Atlantic through close cooperation with its youth division, the Youth Atlantic Treaty Association (YATA). YATA seeks to educate and promote debate amongst the successor generations in an effort to create responsible future political leaders who have an understanding of the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty.
The ATA aims to:
- Promote the values set forth in the North Atlantic Treaty.
- Educate and inform the public regarding NATO's missions and responsibilities.
- Promote democracy.
- Promote the solidarity of the populations of the North Atlantic area, and of those whose governments have signed NATO PfP or Mediterranean Dialogue Agreements, and/or those who are directly concerned with the affairs of Euro-Atlantic security.
- Support the development of civil society in the Black Sea area and the Caucasus.
- Conduct research into the role of NATO, and its expansion to the countries of Central Europe and the former Soviet Union.
- Pursue a dialogue with countries bordering the Mediterranean and in the Middle East which work in cooperation with the Alliance.
- Deepen cooperation between the ATA, its Member Associations, the governments of its Member Associations, NATO, the NATO Parliamentary Assembly, and the EU.
- Foster debate and dialogue in an effort to create a solid understanding of key Alliance issues.
- Engage civil society groups which support peace, security, and broad democratic practices.
- Facilitate the development of strong relationships among its Members in an effort to realize common interest, and achieve common goals.
ATA Members: Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, France, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, United States of America, United Kingdom.
Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation joined ATA Network in 1991. G.A.A.E.C. Youth is also part of YATA network.
- In December 10 and 11 2012, parallel to the 21th International Symposium of GAAEC, GAAEC/Youth have organized a special day for youth. More than 150 students from many Universities in Greece took a part in a discussion with NATO officials and leaders of the citizens' society. Also was present YATA with its President Mrs. Kristin Durant, who has described YATA activities.
- On October 19th 2012, members of GAAEC/Youth were invited to attend the information program organized by NATO's Public Diplomacy Division at NATO HQ in Brussels. During the visit the delegation met several high-level officials from NATO's international staff, including Mrs. Kolinda Grabar – Kitarovic, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy, NATO and had the opportunity to be informed and discuss about a lot of issues that are included in the NATO's agenda.
- On October 20th the delegation attended at the ATA HQ and had a round table discussion with Mr. Giuseppe Belardetti, Programs Director at the ATA and Mr. Jason Wiseman, Programs Assistant. The discussion concentrated mainly around the topic of Mediterranean countries after the uprisings of the Arab Spring and the programs that have been implemented in order to face the problems that came through this situation.
- T.I.C.L.S. is a new platform for educational programs established by G.A.A.E.C. The International Center for Leading Studies is the new academic branch / institution that develops the educational programs. As an educational center and affirmed supporter of continuing education, T.I.C.L.S. facilitates knowledge as the basic tool to provide an opportunity, especially for young persons, to engage and expand beyond their academic discipline. T.I.C.L.S. develops the educational programs in cooperation with Academic Institutions, such as the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Universities from Greece, the U.S., etc., and major think tanks from abroad.
More information: http://www.ticls.org/ - The International Academy for Advanced Studies (T.I.A.A.S.), July 19 – August 1, 2013, was held at the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh), Crete, and has been organized by T.I.C.L.S. in cooperation with G.A.A.E.C. T.I.A.A.S. is the largest educational summer program in the Mediterranean, bringing together students from Western Europe, South East Europe, the Middle East, Russia and the Balkans, as well as from the United States, offering them academic courses on political economy and history, conflict management and more.
More information: http://www.ticls.org/ila - Chania Med-Forum was launched for the first time from July 25 till July 28, 2013 in Chania, Crete. The main focus was on the present-day interrelated issues of geopolitics, energy, economy, conflict prevention, the role of international organizations, and more issues, which are affecting national, & international relations, societies and the human security of citizens. Guest speakers and discussants were expert prominent personalities with actual experience in their related field.
More information: http://www.ticls.org/forum - The Leaders For Our Future, an International Educational Program for young promising leaders of 15-18 years old, from more than 10 European countries, the U.S. and more, based on informal education was held from July 14-30, 2013 in Chania, Crete. During the 16 days' program the youngsters were exposed through lectures, simulation games and interactive learning on subjects not usually taught elsewhere.
More information: http://www.ticls.org/lfof - GAAEC/Youth are on the process of launching a special website for open discussions with youth around the World. The name of the site is Transatlantic Youth for 21th Century (www.try21.org).
- Later this year we will organize our 22th International Symposium of GAAEC and our parallel youth seminar.
Members GAAEC/Youth
The bureau of GAAEC/Youth consists of:
- Secretary General Mr. Panagiotis – Vasilis (Akis) GEORGIOU, Electrical &Web Engineer.
- Deputy Secretary General Ms. Maria KATSIOU, Political Scientist, Educational Programs Assistant.
- Ms. Lelde MENCENDORFA, Social Psychologist,
- Mr. Nikolas LOUTZAKIS, Cashier of GAAEC/Youth, Economic and Technical Analyst.
- Ms. Maria STAMATOPOULOU, Political Scientist.
- Ms. Marianna LYKOURENTZOU, Information and Communication Advisor
- Mr. Vasilis LOUTZAKIS, Scientific Advisor