Managing Migration for Development
The Need for International Dialogue and the Role of Parliaments
Midrand, South Africa | 2-3 October 2014
Mr. Theodossis Georgiou, President of GAAEC and long-standing member of AWEPA Greece has just been to Johannesburg, attending the events celebrating the 30th Anniversary of the Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA) and a High Level Seminar organized by the Pan African Parliament (PAP) in conjunction with AWEPA. It was hosted on October 2-3, 2014, at the PAP in Midrand, South Africa. The objective of the meeting was to frame the "African-European Parliamentary Dialogue on Migration and Development". The dialogue developed strategies on how to maximize the positive impact of migration on development and to agree on the role that parliaments can play in the process.
Mr. Georgiou, the only European speaker, gave a speech on the panel "Ongoing Cooperation in Initiatives on Migration". His speech was a case presentation on Greece of a title "Greek's response to migration within the broader European context." In his speech, Mr. Georgiou referred to the complexity of the issue as it is political, as President of AWEPA, Mrs. Miet Smet, pointed out. Also, it is extremely sensitive as Ms. Graça Machel noted. Mr. Georgiou referred to the issue of demography resulting from overpopulation. He also informed the audience about the position and the view on migration of the Hellenic Presidency to the EU during the first half of 2014, and on the results of the seminar with the same subject organized in the premises of the Hellenic Parliament, Hall of Senate by AWEPA and GAAEC in March 2014.
Moreover, he referred to the presentation of the newly appointed European Commissioner on Migration and Home Affairs, Dimitris Avramopoulos, which he had given a day before during his hearing in the European Parliament.
On Mr. Georgiou's special invitation, globally known human rights advocate and the lawyer of Nelson Mandela, Mr. George Bizos also attended the events. Mr. George Bizos is without any doubt a legendary personality for the fight of human rights both in South Africa and worldwide.
Moreover, Mr. Georgiou attended the Governing Council Meeting of AWEPA on October 4th, during with the Executive Committee's for the next 5 years was elected. AWEPA's Governing Council is comprised of some 40 representatives from AWEPA's Sections from European countries. Mr. Theodossis Georgiou continues to represent Greece in the Governing Council of AWEPA for the next 5 years.