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10 Μαρ 10 Μαρτίου 2014

Conference of the Atlantic Council of Albania in Tirana and Meetings with Albanian Universities


On December 20th, 2013, the Atlantic Council of Albania organized its 16th Annual International Conference  entitled "For a Greater Role of the Balkan Countries in International Security”. During the conference Mr. Theodossis GeorgiouPresident of the Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation and Co-Founder of TICLS, was present and gave a speech on the subject “On a possible role of the Balkan countries in the Mediterranean Dialogue”.

Besides Mr. Georgiou, in the Conference participated speakers from countries such as Albania, Montenegro, FYROM, Kosova, Italy, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Croatia. The conference gathered about 150 participants from various fields, starting from students, professors and journalists, till the security experts, military officers, representatives of the diplomatic corps in Tirana and more. 

The Conference was overseeing issues on topics like possible engagement of Western Balkan Atlantic organizations in public diplomacy in Arab spring countries, smart defense, the impact of TAP oil and gas pipeline on the region’ s stability and security. The presented issues raised intensive dialogue between speakers and attendants revealing more possible movements than expected. (more)



Meetings with Universities

foto (161)During his visit in Albania, Mr. Georgiou, besides attending the Conference, visited several Universities in Tirana, like European University of Tirana, University of Tirana, Marin Barleti University and more. At the European University of Tirana, Mr. Georgiou met Rector Prof.Asoc.Dr. Gjuraj, also he visited Marin Barleti University, which  is governed by a board of some of the most respected names in Albanian, including the former President of the country, R. Mejdani. At Marin Barleti University Mr. Georgiou was welcomed by the Rector Prof.Dr. Spiro, Executive Director Mr.Jano and the Dean Dr.Pino. During the meetings Mr. Georgiou took the opportunity to introduce representatives of the educational institutions with TICLS (www.ticls.org)programs and opportunities it could provide to students and our next generation.

Between the visits at Universities, Mr. Georgiou had an opportunity to visit Hellenic Business Association of Albania and have a meeting with the Executive Director Ms. Prifti, as well as to meet representatives of business associations and banks, paving a road for lasting cooperation and involving new parts in the TICLS Scholarship Program, who will facilitate the students’ participation in the educational programs and will give opportunities to gain new knowledge and network with other students coming from all over the globe.

Furthermore, the opportunities and possible cooperation were discussed with H.E. Leonidas Rokanas, Ambassador of Greece to Albania, and Deputy Chief of Mission Mr. K. Piperigos.  Mrs. B.LardaCounsellor for Economic & Commercial Affairs Ministry for Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic , was present as well. His Excellency and other high level officers of the Greek Embassy showed strong support to GAAEC and TICLS activities emphasizing the significant role that the cooperation between countries plays.

Also Mr. Georgiou had several meetings with alumni of the Educational Program GAAEC has sponsored since 1995. 

Note: the Speech of Mr. Georgiou is available on request.

Archive of G.A.A.E.C.

The old site of G.A.A.E.C. will remain online with the whole archive of our activities. You may visit it at www.archive.gaaec.org


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