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About (5)

01 Απριλίου 2013 Written by

The Board

The Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation (G.A.A.E.C.) was founded on the 28th of May 1991 by Greek individuals coming from academic, political, military and media sectors of the Greek society. During these years many Greek citizens have taken different positions in G.A.A.E.C. according to the Founding Act and to its regulations.
In addition, G.A.A.E.C. has registered members coming from several sectors of Greek Society, including Youth members.

Founding members:


Mr. Theodossios Georgiou,



Mr. Vassilios Mitsakos,

Admiral (ret)


Mr. Christos Panagopoulos,



Ms. Aliki Mitsakos,

Medical Doctor


Mr. Andreas Lykourentzos,

Political Scientist


01 Απριλίου 2013 Written by

Sectors of G.A.A.E.C.

  • Youth
  • Young Political Leaders
  • Education & Science Committee
  • Political Committee
  • Economic Committee
  • Military Committee
  • International Relations Committee
  • Women section


01 Απριλίου 2013 Written by

Mission & Goals

The main goal of the "Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation" is the Greek contribution towards improving and reinforcing Euro-Atlantic cooperation.

An important challenge for the Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation is the study and indication of methods that will improve the position of our country in relation to Euro – Atlantic cooperation in other sectors. To achieve this goal, G.A.A.E.C. will guide numerous activities.

This main goal will be achieved with greater consent, information, education, and equal participation in international organizations, fora, and with forwarding programs in Greece and abroad.

The Greek Association for Atlantic & European Cooperation considers the improved role of citizens' society in decision-making, and in formatting developments in a rapidly changing environment. G.A.A.E.C. can and will contribute to the reinforcement and improvement of the cooperation between Europe and the US, either alone or in cooperation with governmental or non-Governmental organizations, as well as through international networks.


01 Απριλίου 2013 Written by


01 Απριλίου 2013 Written by

Who We Are

Archive of G.A.A.E.C.

The old site of G.A.A.E.C. will remain online with the whole archive of our activities. You may visit it at www.archive.gaaec.org


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