Involved (5)
The Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation offers an internship opportunity to Greek and foreign students in our central offices in Athens. Positions are available for two different Sessions (Fall / Winter each year) for a period of 3 - 6 months. The Sessions available are:
- Winter Session starting from the 15th January each year.
- Fall Session starting from the 15th September each year.
All applications must be submitted at least 30 days prior to starting date of each session. Under special circumstances, the internships can be prolonged.
Through this internship program, GAAEC wants to give the intern the opportunity to become familiar with the real-life work conditions of a non-governmental organization and apply the theoretical knowledge acquired in university. In this regard, the interns will actively participate on all organizational aspects of several national & international activities organized by GAAEC.
Areas of Interest
- Trans-Atlantic Cooperation
- European Security and Defense Policy
- Education and the Leaders of Future Generations
- National-International Development and Humanitarian Aid
- North and South Dialogue
- Cooperation with NGO's for Women
Typical Responsibilities
Program Assistance: G.A.A.E.C. runs a wide variety of events and international programs. Interns are generally asked to provide research assistance to GAAEC's staff for the organization and coordination of events. Also, they help send out invitations, write summaries, prepare briefing materials, and help set-up the required logistics.
Writing & Editing: Part of an intern's responsibility is to edit and run the GAAEC e-newsletter and website and research and publish articles related to issues of Trans-Atlantic relations, European Security and Defense and Greek Foreign Policy.
Administrative and Clerical Duties: All internships require some photocopying, faxing, filing and other clerical work. However, the burden of this is not particularly heavy at GAAEC since all staff generally does this work alongside their interns.
All applicants should be aware that GAAEC cannot extend any financial support nor accommodation for the interns.
Application Procedure
To apply, please e-mail, your CV and a motivation letter explaining academic interests and availability together with a letter of recommendation to:
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Or by Fax at:
+30 210 8654 749
If you didn't find the answer, please direct your question at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
"Interning at the Greek Association for Atlantic and European Cooperation has been a whirlwind of new experiences for me. I did not know exactly what to expect when I came to Greece, and I was pleasantly surprised by the range of possibilities that a relatively small organization such as GAAEC can offer young interns. Most activities are related to project management, and this makes for an intense and dynamic office environment. From day one, I had the opportunity to become involved in core activities of the Association, and this can only be described as immensely fulfilling. The various subjects that are dealt with within the organization offer insights into the international arena and civil society, and the professional network is enormous – a great way of interacting with people from different (and, in my case, unknown) countries and cultures! Of course, all of this is not handed to you on a silver plate. Hard work is expected, as is flexibility; this is not your normal 9-to-5 job! Every day brings something new, different, and unexpected... GAAEC is part of multiple networks, organizes conferences and educational programs, and tackles pretty much every aspect of any project, so diversity is guaranteed. Dedication and a certain degree of maturity are other characteristics that are valued in a GAAEC intern, not to mention a sense of humor! After all, when stress knocks on the door, it is necessary to be able to put things into perspective. With the right attitude, GAAEC will open many doors to enthusiastic interns. You will not only learn about international events in the broadest sense of the term – you will learn about yourself! I have discovered a whole new side of myself at GAAEC, delving into international relations and developing organizational skills... I am convinced that my internship will continue to influence me.
To sum up: if you are up for a challenge, up for making a contribution, up for a new environment, and up for a rewarding experience: intern at GAAEC!"
Niels, The Netherlands
The year 2006 saw G.A.A.E.C. opening its doors to a number of international volunteers, providing them with international working experience and enriching the association with a new and dynamic multicultural component. Within the European Union's European Voluntary Service (EVS, part of the YOUTH program), G.A.A.E.C. offers young European citizens the opportunity to complete a long-term voluntary service (from 8 months to a year) in its Athens office under a project called "Listen to us – Young European citizens/Aristoteles". This project aims at empowering young people therefore empowering communities at a cultural, educational and economic level. Our organization gives the opportunity to international volunteers to take part actively in several local, national, and international activities endeavouring to develop their European and International citizenship awareness, to promote Youth involvement, to sustain integration and to emphasize intercultural relations.
GAAEC is accredited as sending,host and coordinating organization for the European Voluntary Service (reference number 2011-GR-5) which is a program of YOUTH in Action, Action 2 financed by the European Union.
What are the volunteer's tasks?
Part of our dynamic working team, our volunteers actively participate to all organizational aspects of several national and international activities, such as IIPES, Kernels of our future, the 52nd General Assembly of ATA, the International Meeting of EURODEFENSE, The Euro-Mediterranean Journalism Institute and the Fellowship program on International Security and Cooperation – the contribution of a new generation. The responsibilities of the EVS volunteers include: Organisation of regular events; Edition and running of the G.A.A.E.C. e-newsletter and website; Organization of YOUTH and EVS presentation events to local youth groups; Research and publication of articles related to issues of European citizenship in the young population and publicising international volunteering to NGOs and Networks. Special issues and projects such as gender involvement can be implemented depending on volunteers' interests. The opportunities given to volunteers are going to make them confident about their organizational and management skills and offer them great experience in a democratic environment and help them to fulfill their future dreams more easily.
The volunteers have to enjoy communicating with people, be cooperative, sociable, friendly and fluent English speaker. They have to have basic computer knowledge, be able to promote the European Voluntary Service, be practical and have organizational and management skills. Priority will be given to people interested in cultural development, European integration, and youth's contemporary issues including educational advancement. Interest in gender issues, especially related to education and International Security, is welcomed.
For more information about the project "Listen to Us – Young European Citizens/Aristoteles" visit here
How to apply?
There are 3 deadlines every year when organizations have to submit documents to get the funding for hosting EVS volunteer:
February 1st - for projects starting between 1 May and 31 October
May 1st - for projects starting between 1 August and 31 January
October 1st - for projects starting between 1 January and 30 June
Please send us your CV, motivation letter and details of your sending organization not later than 15 days before the deadline to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to the following fax number: +30 210 8654 749.
Looking forward to welcoming you in Athens!
"If you are planning to apply for an EVS I can only encourage you to do so! During my stay in Greece, I learned so many things, I made so many friends and I gained so many experiences that it would make a very long list. If you want to come to Greece, I can promise you that you will live it not just watch it. The program at GAAEC was challenging, improving and it provided a snapshot of the world of the euro-atlantic integration, the work GAAEC is doing. My involvement with the Greek youth and the other international volunteers was fascinating; I had a lot of fun with them during my free time, while I also learned some Greek. Returning to Hungary I could use my new skills so as to continue my studies in a higher level. If I was offered EVS again I would accept it."
Attila, Hungary