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This summer University of the Aegean in cooperation with GAAEC organized for the first time International Summer School „Mediterranean Security: Old Conflicts & New Challenges” which occurred from July 30th till August 6thin Rhodes island, Greece.
The Summer School brought together 24 students from 12 countries so students got an opportunity not only to get a wider knowledge on main subjects during lessons but to become acquainted with other cultures as well and to see the same problemsfrom different perspectives in formal and non-formal atmosphere. Five alumni of GAAEC educational programs were present in this Summer School.
During the one week students attended a very intensive course which was provided by 12 lecturers coming from different universities in Greece, United Kingdom, Turkey, Cyprus and United States. As topical subjects in the Program were included interstate and intrastate conflicts, the role of international institutions, peace making, nuclear weapon notability, terrorism, Arab Spring and its implications for regional security and stability, Greek – Turkish conflict in past, present and future, NATO and EU role. The program was made with the aim to involve students in an active way in the study process, so every day students were presenting their presentations about daily subjects and presentations were followed by discussions between professors and all students. In this way was ensured the possibility to point out the essential part of the subject, possible solutions and problem’s outcomes in future.
The videoconference with Mr. J.Shea, Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges and Ms.Despina Ino Afentouli, Liaison Officer of Greece, NATO was provided as well. The main subject was Post – Chicago Summit Security Challenges for NATO.
The program was closed by commencement ceremony and educational and entertaining excursion to Lindos city where students got an opportunity to see a little part of the rich history of Greece.
In one week students experienced fruitful time in international environment,got erudition in an actual subjects in nowadays, became closer with Greek culture and the last but not the least, got new friends.
Article edited by Lelde Mencendorfa,
Alumna of MedSec